Becoming The Person God Uses


Becoming The Person God Uses


Understand and Fulfill God's Vision for Your Life

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One's person is more important than one's position.  The Christian's calling or vocation is to be a disciple of Christ; the Christian's occupation is guided by that calling both in selectivity as to character and in excellence as to quality.

In Becoming the Person God Uses, the author has shared penetrating insights that will assist the Christian community to discern personally and together the will of God for our lives.  God has, in Christ, taken the initiative in calling us.  His will in this calling as to Christian character is universal for all of us; his will for service becomes particular, a role for each of us.

In reading this book, I am impressed that the author presents us in clear outline, significant truth on knowing the will of God.  In a simple way, so many of us through the work of Soren Kierkegaard, "Purity of heart is to will one thing, the glory of God."

-Dr. Myron S. Augsburger